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P A T I E N T  F A Q

Will the provider at the Santé Care Center change my medicines, treatment plans, or refer me to other specialists? 

No. Your primary care doctor retains their role in managing your care with you. Your doctor will use the information they receive from the Santé Care Center to assist with care planning.  If it turns out that you need any testing, your doctor will order that so they can use the results to determine next steps. 


Will I have to return to the Santé Care Center? 

You only need to go there one time every year so that your health record can be updated for your primary care doctor. 


Will it cost me anything to go to the Santé Care Center? 

No. Your visit to the Santé Care Center is a benefit of your health insurance. There is no copayment for your visit. Your health plan knows about Santé Care Center, and they encourage you to take advantage of this free service. Also, in appreciation for the time spent with the Santé Care Center provider, you will receive a gift card after completing an onsite clinic visit. 


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call (559) 228-4500 



This FAQ was last updated September 2021. 

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